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Running A Node with Linux

Please use the following instructions to setup DERO Node.

System Requirements

Recent 8 cores CPU, 8GB Ram, 100GB SSD/NVME, Operating Systems and Arch: Any OS which is supported by Golang like Linux, Windows, Mac(Darwin), FreeBSD etc. and Intel, AMD, ARM processors.

Preparing filesystem

On Linux(Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Kali etc.) XFS filesystem is highly recommended for DERO Nodes. RHEL, CentOS have XFS as default filesystem.

Windows users see this link

Make sure your DERO Node uses any filesystem which has very large number of inodes and good performance to handle large number of small files.

During installation of new Operating System choose XFS filesystem with smallest inode size(like 128/256/512 bytes) and block size. With small inode size there will be very large number of usable inodes on disk.

SSD is highly recommended to store DERO Node mainnet data.

If you have already installed OS without XFS filesystem then create XFS filesystem data container for high performance with following cmds with 100GB:

sudo apt install xfsprogs ntpdate
fallocate -l 100G dataFsFile
mkfs.xfs -f  -i maxpct=100 -m crc=0 -i size=256 -b size=512  dataFsFile
mkdir dNodedata ; chmod -R 777 dNodedata
mount dataFsFile dNodedata
cd dNodedata      // Download DERO software and sync in this directory

Use dd if fallocate not available dd if=/dev/zero of=dataFsFile bs=1G count=100 . Change count=100 or 200 for 100/200 GB partition. Choice depends on your free space.

use df -i & df -h to check your free inodes and space.

Use sudo or root/admin/superuser account in above commands wherever if requested by your particular OS.

In case of system reboot just use mount cmd again mount dataFsFile dNodedata.

Time sync your node

Make sure your node is time sync always by following or other methods of your choice. Install ntpdate by following

sudo apt install ntpdate
sudo ntpdate

Edit crontab crontab -e to sync time every 30 mins by adding following entry in crontab: *30 * ** * /usr/sbin/ntpdate

Run cmd crontab -l to make sure there is ntpdate entry like following in the last: *30 * ** * /usr/sbin/ntpdate

Installing DERO Node Software

Make sure you are in dNodedata directory or any other XFS-folder you created & mounted above. Use pwd cmd to check.

Download latest release from github repo 18 or build from source


Darwin files are for MacOS. Arm files are for Raspberry Pis and mobiles. Following example is for linux 64Bit systems. Download files based on your OS. Open command prompt and run following cmds to download and start syncing your DERO Node.

tar xvzf dero_linux_amd64.tar.gz
cd dero_linux_amd64


DERO HE: 8/8 [131693/131693] P 4 TXp 0:0 NW 4.721 MH/s >Miners 0  MAINNET 0 0s|0s|0s>>

Decoding DERO Prompt


Congratulations. Your node is running and syncing.

1] Run one DERO node only in your local/home network. Use this single Node/daemon to connect your multiple wallets and miners. 2] If using VPN make sure it allows UDP connections. 3] If required Increase UDP connections limits etc. in your router. 4] Allow port forwarding to daemon if behind NAT. Start derod daemon with option --p2p-bind= and port forward that port eg: 50404 in router to daemon Node/IP. 5] On some Mac machines to run DERO files in terminal you have to run sudo spctl --master-disable. 6] DERO Mainnet Ports:

Mining Getwork Default Port: 10100
Daemon P2P Port: Random UDP port , For static port use --p2p-bind= in daemon.
Daemon RPC Default Port: 10102 TCP
Wallet RPC Default Port: 10103  TCP

P2P and mining traffic are encrypted.

7] To urgent download DERO blockchain DB use following cmd & place mainnet folder along with derod binary. Following link is not guaranteed to work all time. rsync --inplace --port=2048 -av rsync:// ./

It is recommended to do normal sync so that blockchain can be verified completely for any hacks, exploits etc. and use above method rarely in case of mainnet DB corruption like power issues etc.

8] Never download and use blockchain DB from any source. Sync & verify your own completely.

9] Run following cmds in root/sudo on Linux machines: sudo echo "net.core.rmem_default=2097152" >> /etc/sysctl.conf; sysctl -p For details please see KCPTUN optimizations

10] Run in terminal before running derod on Linux machines: echo "ulimit -n 64000" >> ~/.profile ; ulimit -n 64000 ; source ~/.profile

Choose dedicated machine/good VPS with low latency to